12 January 2025
12 January 2025
Covenant Service today at 10.30am
with Holy Communion
led by Rev Mark
Next Sunday the 19th of January Ian Kitchin will lead the service.
Also, on Sunday the 19th of December we will be holding our
‘TRINITY PRAISE’ Service at 4.00pm led by Rev Mark.
This will be a special circuit service at Trinity to give thanks to God for our
Local Preachers and Worship Leaders followed by a ‘Bring and Share Meal’,
this will take place in our worship area and upstairs in the Windsor and Jubilee rooms because of the removal of the Hall floor.
The Worship Area Flowers for January are arranged by Lesley Ansell. The flowers for Sunday the 12th is another free week, Lesley will gratefully receive donations. The flowers for the 19th are donated by Lilian Hargreaves.
All at Trinity thank the arrangers and the donaters of the flowers for our Worship area this really enhances our act of worship and raises everyone’s moods.
Forthcoming Dates For Your Diaries
CENTRAL FLOOR. It has now become a priority to replace the Hall floor in CENTRAL.
The work will take place in January. This is the schedule.
Week beginning Monday 13th Jan - The floor will be taken up.
Week beginning Monday 20th January - The floor will be asphalted and will produce noxious fumes. Because of this the building will be closed from the 20th until the 25th of January. All users have been informed.
Week beginning Monday 27th - the new floor will be fitted.
There will be no access to the upstairs via the lift during this time. The services on the 19th and 26th January will be relayed into Orchard room for people unable to access church via the stairs.
Thankyou - The Stewards
Afternoon Tea & Film at Rishton Methodist Church.
Wednesday 16th January 2025 at 2pm.
“Extremely LOUD & Incredibly CLOSE”
A 2011 American drama film
A troubled young boy, Oskar, is trying to cope with the loss of his father. Oskar starts lashing out at his mother and the world. Until a year later, he discovers a mysterious key in his father's belongings and embarks on a scavenger hunt to find the matching lock.
Share tea and a chat with friends The films will start at 2pm and afternoon tea served about 4pm.
Come for both or just for tea! No charge just donations towards the cost of afternoon tea.
Monday 20th of January Stewards Meeting at 56 Russell Place at 7.00pm.
Safeguarding Service On the 26th of January we will be having a safeguarding service. We would like to have any questions you might have about safeguarding in the church. With thanks - Chris and Martin
Rishton Church Annual Three-Day Sale (DATES FOR YOUR DIARY)
The dates for the sale are as below. More details later following a meeting on Sunday morning the 12th of January.
Tuesday 4th Feb 6pm - 8pm.
Wednesday 5th Feb 10am- 4pm. Lunches, Soup and Roll available.
Thursday 6th Feb 9am-10am
Congratulations to Betty Chippendale who has a special birthday with a ‘0’ on the 15th of January. Happy Birthday from all your friends at Trinity, have a great day.
Ann Hutton wishes to thank everyone at Trinity who sent prayers, cards and good wishes during her stay in hospital and during her recuperation. Thanks Again. Ann!
Audrey Walker. The family would like to say thank you to everyone at Trinity for they condolences, kind words and generous donations, it has meant a lot to all of us at this difficult time. Susan, Carole and Gillian.
ECO Church Tip. Use homemade natural cleaning products e.g. Lemon Juice.
Rev Mark Jason. 07305 805930 Email mark.jason@methodist.org.uk
Chief Steward: John Ansell 01254-888741 jcansell@ntlworld.com
Gift Aid Secretary: Geoff Grundy,
Trinity Prayer Chain: Audrey Adams 01254-888224.
Room Bookings: Chris Talbot 01254883427 or 07505121210
TRINITY WEB PAGES https://www.trinitychurchgreatharwood.org/
Email address: trinityenquiries@greatharwoodmethodistcircuit.org.uk
Trinity Facebook link http://www.facebook.com/trinityurcmethodist
Information for this Notice Sheet to be given to Geoff Grundy in writing or by email geoff.grundy@btinternet.com by Thursday at 10.00am Thanks.
A Thought For this Sunday Today we mark Jesus’ baptism at the start of his ministry. We’ve little material about Jesus’ childhood and so we jump, in our Sunday readings, from the visit of the Magi straight into his baptism and public ministry. We like to think of baptism as something the Church does yet, as we read today, it was a rite first offered by Jesus’ cousin John the Baptist. John was a fiery preacher who did not seem to get nuance. He told people the truth; his condemnation of Herod for marrying his sister-in-law led to his death. He divided the wheat from the chaff, so it is surprising Jesus went to be baptised. The Revd Andy Braunston
The Covenant Prayer.
I am no longer my own but yours.
Your will, not mine, be done in all things,
wherever you may place me,
in all that I do and in all that I may endure;
when there is work for me and when there is none;
when I am troubled and when I am at peace.
Your will be done when I am valued and when I am disregarded;
when I find fulfilment and when it is lacking;
when I have all things and when I have nothing.
I willingly offer all I have and am to serve you as and where you choose.
Glorious and blessed God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit,
you are mine and I am yours.
May it be so for ever.
Let this covenant now made on earth
be fulfilled in heaven. Amen